Solo Build It! (SBI!) FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions

What is Solo Build It! (SBI!)?

Solo Build It! (SBI!) is an all-in-one web hosting and website building platform designed for solo business owners (solopreneurs).

  • DIY Website Development: SBI! provides everything you need to build a professional looking website or blog.
  • Online Business Training: SBI! offers comprehensive online business training covering topics like niche research, content creation, traffic generation, using AI, monetization strategies, and more.
  • Search Engine Ranking: SBI! emphasizes best practices and provides tools to help websites rank better in search engines.
  • Community Support: SBI! has an active forum where members can get support, advice, and feedback from other solo business owners. Near-weekly live group calls for beginners to advanced members are also provided.

Solo Build It! provides a complete solution for anyone regardless of experience to build a successful online business by creating a content-rich website in a specific niche or topic area. SBI! guides users through the entire process from choosing a profitable niche to building, promoting, and monetizing a niche website.

What are the key features of Solo Build It! (SBI!)?

Key Features of SBI!...

  • Website Builder: SBI! provides a user-friendly website builder with drag-and-drop functionality, allowing users to create professional-looking websites without needing advanced technical skills.
  • Hosting and Domain: SBI! offers web hosting services and domain registration, eliminating the need for separate hosting providers.
  • Online Business Guidance: SBI! provides comprehensive guidance and step-by-step instructions on various aspects of running an online business, such as choosing a profitable niche, conducting keyword research, creating content, and monetizing.
  • Traffic-Building Strategies: SBI! teaches users various traffic-building and search engine ranking strategies, social media marketing, and how to build an email list.
  • Community and Support: SBI! offers a community forum and support resources where users can seek advice, share experiences, and learn from members in the community.
  • Analytics and Tracking: SBI! provides tools for tracking website performance and, visitor behavior, helping users make informed decisions.
  • Ongoing Updates and Training: SBI! regularly updates its platform, tools, and training materials to keep up with the latest trends (i.e., AI) and best practices in online business and website development.

The primary goal of Solo Build It! is to simplify the process of creating and managing a successful online business by providing an all-inclusive platform, comprehensive training and ongoing support.

How does Solo Build It! (SBI!) work?

Solo Build It! is an all-in-one online business platform that teaches you how to start and grow a successful online business from scratch.

  • SBI! provides a step-by-step "Action Guide" that leads you through the entire process of building an online business, from researching your niche to monetizing your site.
  • The process is called the "C T P M!" method, which stands for Content, Traffic, Presell, and Monetize. This systematic approach is designed to ensure you build a sustainable online business.
  • SBI! includes a huge suite of tools to support the process - website builder, keyword research and brainstorming tool, traffic building tools and data, email publishing and marketing and 24/7 support in various formats.
  • SBI! is ideal for people new to building websites and online businesses. It aims to provide all the guidance and tools needed in one place.
  • Key features include web hosting, keyword brainstorming and research tools, site-building and designing tools, active business building community - everything you need to get an online business up and running.
  • SBI! emphasizes the importance of market research and planning before registering a domain and actually building your website, unlike many "start a business in 10 minutes" claims.
  • Solo Build It! has a 90-day money-back guarantee.

In a nutshell, Solo Build It! is a comprehensive system that walks you through the entire process of building a successful online business, providing the necessary tools and support along the way.

Is Solo Build It! (SBI!) good for beginners to build a website?

Yes, Solo Build It! (SBI!) is an excellent platform for beginners to build a website and start an online business. Here are some key reasons why SBI! is well-suited for beginners...

  • Comprehensive training and guidance: SBI! provides a step-by-step Action Guide that takes beginners through the entire process of building a successful online business, from choosing a niche to creating content, optimizing for search engines, and monetizing the website. This comprehensive training is invaluable for those new to website / online business building.
  • All-in-one solution: SBI! offers an all-inclusive package with website hosting, keyword research tools, and more, eliminating the need to piece together different services. This simplifies the process for beginners.
  • No technical expertise required: SBI!'s website builder (Block Builder) is user-friendly and does not require coding knowledge, making it accessible for beginners without technical backgrounds.
  • Active community and support: SBI! has an active community forum where members can ask questions and receive guidance from experienced users and SBI! staff. This support system is crucial for beginners navigating multiple learning curves.
  • Focus on building a business: SBI!'s approach goes beyond just building a website; it teaches beginners how to create a successful online business by focusing on factors like choosing a profitable niche, creating high-quality content, and developing effective monetization strategies.

While SBI! requires effort and commitment, the comprehensive training, all-in-one tools, and supportive community make it an excellent choice for beginners looking to build a website and start an online business from scratch.

What kind of support does Solo Build It! (SBI!) offer to its users?

Solo Build It! (SBI!) offers various levels of support to its users...

  • Comprehensive Training: SBI! provides extensive training resources, including live member calls, video tutorials, written guides, and step-by-step instructions covering all aspects of building and running a successful online business.
  • Community Forum: SBI! has an active community forum where users can ask questions, share experiences, and seek advice from other members as well as SBI! staff and experts.
  • Customer Support: SBI! has a dedicated customer support team available to assist users with technical issues, platform-related queries and other concerns.
  • Regular Updates and Resources: SBI! regularly updates its platform, tools, and training materials to ensure users have access to the latest features, strategies, and best practices.

By offering comprehensive training, an active community, responsive customer support, and regular updates, SBI! aims to provide its users with the necessary resources and support to successfully navigate the journey of building and growing a successful online business.

Can Solo Build It! (SBI!) be used with a WordPress site?

Yes, you can use Solo Build It! (SBI!) with WordPress. SBI! for WP is essentially a modified version of SBI! designed specifically for WordPress users...

  • SBI! for WP wraps SBI!'s business-building system (process, tools, guidance, support) around WordPress. It's meant to complement WordPress which is primarily a blog building software.
  • SBI! for WP provides the missing business-building and marketing elements like niche selection, keyword research, traffic building, audience engagement, monetization strategies etc that WordPress lacks.
  • SBI! for WP guides you step-by-step through the entire online business building process from developing a niche concept to making money from your WordPress site/blog.
  • SBI! for WP is essentially adding the business-building and marketing power of SBI! to your WordPress site.
  • SBI! for WP allows you to use WordPress for building your website / blog, while leveraging SBI!'s comprehensive business-building capabilities and guidance to turn your WordPress site into a profitable online business.

How much does Solo Build It! (SBI!) cost?

Solo Build It! costs $39.99 per month or $365 per year (just $1 a day!).

SBI! for WP costs $24.99 per month or $199 per year.

SBI! includes web hosting, domain name registration, website building tools, online business training, and various other features for creating and managing an online business.

SBI! for WordPress provides the business building tools and training, but you need to have your own web hosting and use WordPress for the website / blog itself.

On the surface, SBI! may seem expensive compared to other website builders. But website builders are just that. You’ll need to add on “all the rest” as you go and costs can quickly escalate.

What are some success stories or examples of sites built with Solo Build It! (SBI!)?

Solo Build It! has enabled many ordinary people to build successful online businesses in various niches. For example...

  • A grandmother from Germany has created a popular food blog sharing her German recipes and earning income from advertising.
  • A travel enthusiast has created a site about San Francisco tourism that receives high traffic.
  • A retired engineer built a site about traveling the backroads of Florida, doing something that makes him feel relevant and earns him extra retirement income.

SBI! has interviewed dozens of successful SBI! members and maintains a directory showcasing hundreds of examples of successful SBI!-built sites that rank on page one at the search engines - across diverse niches like gardening, learning languages, children's parties, auto detailing and more.