How to Use AI for Your Blog: Artificial Intelligence 101


How to Use AI for Your Blog

AI tools for your blog are growing exponentially now. Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a new tool for digital marketers.

Typically used to automate processes and save time, AI is capable of much more than that.

You can use AI to create dynamic content — for example, by training an algorithm, or “machine,” to generate blog posts about a particular topic. There are plenty of other ways you can leverage AI to supercharge your content marketing strategy.

This article covers how you can use AI to help create new content faster and easier.

How to Use AI Tools for Your Blog Content

When you create content, you usually have to do a lot of research first, then put in the time to write your article. You might also have to get help from someone else to edit it.

With AI, you can skip all of that by simply training the software to generate components of your blog posts.

This is a great way to create additional content quickly and with minimal effort.

… but, it’s imperative that you rework and edit what the AI spits out.

John Mueller, Google’s Search Advocate, says that “content automatically generated with AI writing tools is considered spam, according to the search engine’s webmaster guidelines.”

With that in mind, here’s how you can use AI to streamline creating content for your blog…

Headlines and Titles

Crafting the perfect headline, titles and irresistible subheadings for your blog content is probably one of the trickiest parts of writing online.

There are so many tips and tricks out there, but what if there was an even easier way to put them all together… automatically?

It exists!

Enter: Originality.AI’s Blog Title Generator and Online Title-Generator.

Either of these two services will whip up an irresistible headline or title that your readers will be sure to click on in minutes.

Originality.AI’s title generator is my personal favorite since you can enter the URL to your blog post or upload a file.

Blog post titles generated by Originality.AI's free blog title generator.
Examples for blog post titles generated by Originality.AI

Despite the click-baity sensationalization of the headlines and titles that these two generate, they do give you a solid jumping off point to craft your own.

AI Blog Titles
AI generated headline examples from Title-Generator.

Introductions and Conclusions

Another pain point when it comes to writing your blog posts:

Your introduction and conclusion.

Using an AI tool is best for your intro and conclusion.

AI introductions and conclusions
WriteSonic’s AI generated hypothetical blog post intro about “work from home.”

Some of these are acceptable. Others need a lot of work.

Mix and match the AI-generated introductions, then rework them so they sound more like “you.”

Use AI Tools for Your Blog Posts

Writesonic allows for a few different ways to instantly “write” a blog post using AI.

The first is the “Instant Article Writer.”

It’s as instant as it advertises. All you have to do is put in your title, wait 30 seconds, and voilà, your blog post is instantly generated.

full blog post written by AI
Click here to read the full Artificial Intelligence generated article.

For the next one, “AI Article Writer 3.0,” a little more work is involved.

You enter your topic, select the AI title, then the generated introduction you want to use, then the outline, and finally the article itself.

Blog post outline by AI
AI Generated blog post outline, click here for the full article it generated.

With either the Instant Article Writer or AI Article Writer 3.0, you’ll have to go back and re-work the majority of the content that comes out.

It’s a good starting point. Think twice (or thrice), though, before using AI “written” content word-for-word.

Artificial Intelligence Will Create Unique Imagery for Your Blog

Placing original images in your blog posts can be difficult, especially if you don’t have the time or expertise to create them yourself.

With AI, you can input text into a service and get a 100% original image.

This is a great (and fun) way to start building your image library without having to spend time photographing whatever your article is about or spending money for stock images.

AI-generated images work best for broader articles that aren’t necessarily related to a specific destination or subject (like Hawaii or Pomeranians).

Artificial intelligence generated dog images
OK, maybe it could work…

Dall•E for AI Image Creation

Dall•E is an AI system and visual creation tool. You input text and the AI tool creates a totally original image.

It’s a simple way to create images that look almost like stock photos or, depending on your prompt, like digital paintings.

The biggest issue with Dall•E images is that you need to be super specific in your “prompt…”

For the first one, “work from home benefits,” it came back with pretty unusable images…

DALL-E Artificial Intelligence generated images
For the next prompt, I got more specific with “a person working from home and looking happy.”

AI Image more specific

Totally usable (except for the first one).

Then, to see what it’d look like as a painting, I pushed Dall•E further by typing in “a person working from home and looking happy painting.”

DALL-E painting image creation
… but that wasn’t what I meant, I wanted it in the style of a painting.

To get that, I entered “a person working from home and looking happy in the style of a painting.”

AI image for post refined

Dall•E does have some content policies, so make sure you’re aligned with them before you use their images in your blog posts.

If you need a more in-depth guide on how to get your prompts “just right,” this article is a great one to check out.

Let Artificial Intelligence Supercharge Your Marketing

Social Media

Semi-automate Video Creation

There are a few different Artificial Intelligence video creation services out there.

… but my favorite is

They offer four different ways to create videos.

AI using Pictory
From Facebook to Instagram Reels and TikTok to Youtube, you can use the videos you create with their AI’s help on any platform you want.

The best creator tool to use, in my opinion, is Article to Video.

The tool summarizes your article and pulls out key messages (that you can later edit/reword if you want), then chooses video from a stock library that corresponds to the content.

AI post to video generation

You can even add an AI voiceover and/or stock music to play as background to your video.

It’s so simple, making it perfect for those of us who aren’t that great at video editing. And it saves so much time.

Auto-generate Tweets for Twitter

Writesonic has a tool that automatically generates tweets. All you have to do is put in your topic.

For the example below, I entered “work from home” as the topic.AI Tweets
As you can see, like all AI written content, it’s a great starting point, but still needs a human eye to make sense of some of it.

Especially since “retirement planning” has (basically) nothing to do with “work from home.” 

Automatically Generate Instagram Captions

You can also generate Instagram captions on Writesonic (this sounds like a giant ad for them, doesn’t it?).

To get your caption, enter a general description (for this one I put “work from home benefits”) and the tone of voice you want to use.

You can see that the tone makes a relatively big difference…

AI Excited Instagram caption
“Excited” tone.
AI Instagram Caption informative
“Informative” tone.


As you can see, you’ll still need to fine-tune the captions to get the wording “right,” but again, the AI-generated captions provide plenty of inspiration.

Newsletter Marketing: Use AI to Generate Catchy Subject Lines

Similar to AI-powered headline and title generators for your blog, AI can also help you with your email marketing’s subject lines.

Although there are several AI companies available for this one, I quite like

You get 15 free runs, then you need to start paying…

AI Generated Email Subject Lines
Suggested headlines using with the prompt “Work From Home.”

Compared to other AI tools out there, their machine is definitely smarter and produces better quality subject lines that don’t need as much editing.

Wrapping It Up: How to Use AI for Your Blog

Consistently creating high quality content is a critical part of any digital marketing strategy, and it can be difficult to keep up.

Artificial Intelligence can help you save time though.

It isn’t 100% ready to go from “generate” to “post” yet. Case in point: I tried to write this whole article using one AI service, but it was way too nonsensical.

However, when I did my research for this article (in November 2022), Tai hadn’t been released yet. Tai is Solo Build It!’s business-building AI assistant. Except for video creation, Tai helps you with all the writing and marketing tasks described above.

What’s more, it comes with the training and support you need for using AI tools efficiently. The best part? You don’t have to be an SBI! member to get access. Check it out now. Thank me later. 😉

Ready to begin your own journey to online success?

How to Use AI for Your Blog: Artificial Intelligence 101
Yuki Evoy
Yuki Evoy is the Social Media Coordinator at SiteSell. She handles the Social Media calendar and posts interesting stuff about solopreneurs, blogging and online business building. Between balancing her SBI! for WordPress blog and work for SiteSell, her motto is "if you really love what you’re doing, you can always find time."

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