Affiliate Marketing
Now that we’ve talked about the viral effect of articles for your affiliate marketing business, the next step is to create a solid plan for writing those articles. Your plan should include your topics, what information you will include, how you will engage your audience and how you will recommend the affiliate product you are promoting.
Decide on Your Topics
Make a list of topics that you’ll enjoy writing about and that relate to the products you’ll be recommending. Tip: Think about problems that the product solves and then write your article to address the problem but without giving away all of the answers.
You want to lead your readers to click on the answer… which is the affiliate product you recommend.
Organize Your Thoughts
The idea behind affiliate marketing is to share your knowledge with your readers both about the solution they might be seeking and with a link to the actual solution itself (the affiliate product). Aim to keep the article easy to follow, by using bullet points, for example.
Provide high quality information that will help your audience with their problem but only give them part of the solution. Again, the actual solution should be the affiliate product you are promoting.
Link to the Affiliate Product
Recommendations and links to affiliate products should be strategically placed and used sparingly. Decide on the most natural and appropriate place within your article to include a “Click here to to learn more about…” or “I use the _________ tool for my….” Then continue on outlining pros and cons, features and benefits, etc.
You may want to link to the product again in your article summary or conclusion but read it over a few times to make sure it doesn’t sound salesy. A good rule of thumb is to recommend only one or two affiliate products per article.
Now, depending on where you plan to submit your articles, be sure to check what the submission rules about affiliate links are. As discussed in “How To Boost Affiliate Marketing With Article Writing,” affiliate links may not be allowed within the article but may be allowed in a sig file. Whatever the case, be sure to abide by the rules.
When writing articles for affiliate marketing, try to get in the mindset of your target market. Think about what problems they may need to solve or what solutions they could be looking for. Help them by providing quality information and recommending relevant products. You’ll be on your way to increasing affiliate commissions with your interesting, unique articles.
Learn how to apply different affiliate marketing strategies to your business.

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