6 Super Useful Tips for Online Business Owners

6 Super Useful Tips for Online Business Owners

One of the best ways to achieve success in any area of life is to have a mentor, someone who is already where you’d like to be, and who shares his often hard-won experience with you. When you join SBI!, you’ll have access to a whole community of mentors via our private forums.… Read more

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Three Unique Approaches to Sales for Solopreneurs

Three Unique Approaches to Sales for Solopreneurs

As you plan your online business, at some point you’ll need to think about how you’re going to develop a relationship with your site visitors.

Once you’ve established that relationship and are ready to sell, aim to break down the concept of selling into three general types…

Let’s break down the concept of selling into three general types…

  1. catalog style selling
  2. consultative selling
  3. relationship selling

The good news is that all three selling styles work for most businesses.Read more

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